New FedEx Distribution Facility Under Construction at 150th and Highway 370

New FedEx Distribution Facility Under Construction at 150th and Highway 370

In April 2020, a preferred developer for FedEx engaged Kevin Stratman to help identify a 50-acre industrial site in the Omaha metro area for a new distribution facility. The market for industrial sites has been tight, so he quickly realized that he would need to search for off-market sites. BHI Development owned and operated a tree farm at 150th St. and Hwy 370. They had received offers in the past but were never interested in selling. Through their relationship with BHI, Brian Kuehl and Ryan Kuehl learned that the site might actually be available if BHI received a strong enough offer. Kevin submitted an offer to BHI on behalf of the FedEx developer, put the site under contract, and ultimately closed in July of 2021. A 320,000 square foot new distribution facility for FedEx is now under construction.

In a tight industrial market, like we are in today, our team is often required to go beyond the obvious options to find the best solutions for our clients and work together to create opportunities. We were grateful for the opportunity to work with two clients on this purchase, resulting in a win for both of them.

This article appeared in our company newsletter in December of 2021. Please click here to download the entire newsletter.